Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My male guppy has crusty white lips what can i do?

i just got a male guppy along with 3 female guppys. he was just fine when i got him yesterday but i dont know what is wrong with him. his lips are sticking up and are all white and crusty, sort of like a molly's lips. i separated him with my devider but i dont know what else to do!!!!!! thanx 4 ur help!!!!!!!!!My male guppy has crusty white lips what can i do?
I assume you have a heater in your tank since guppies need one. It is possible that he kissed the heater and got burned.

It's possible he also has a fungus on his mouth if it's fuzzy.My male guppy has crusty white lips what can i do?
use lots of moisture in your heater. If it been to close to some kind of hot stuff it must've caused a prob. Sorry about your guppy. I love fish and im trying to do the best i can. Does the guppy have parents? If so it must keep very comfterble. And if is has a group of guppies they help too. If there is any fungus on the lips it mustve caused it too. (most of da fungus in water are very furry.If so it could be living on the lips) Hope i helped and sheded some of those probs!
IDK, Chapstick??
it sounds like cottonmonth if so stores have meds for that

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