drink alot of water to hydrate yourself. do not use anything with pertroleum jelly in it as this actually draws moisture out of your skin udder cream or shea butter would workWhat is good for really dry lips?
i use chapstick...the plain one without the medicine odor.What is good for really dry lips?
A lot of water to rehydrate you and carmex
I read in some women's magazine that if you mix 10 cranberry's a tablespoon of almond oil and a little water boil it until it's soft, mash, and strain it, that thats supposed to work really really well.
Medicated Blistex Lip Ointment
drinking more water(I know everyone says that, but it does work)
olive oil makes my lips more supple,
what also works for me is just about any chapstick-esque product. Just keep using it even if you don't feel its working and don't let your lips dry.
Believe it or not (sounds gross) but vaseline the plain kind.
chapstick overnight lip treatment. it hydrates your lips then stays there as like a protective seal overnight. i find it very effective in getting rid of chapped lips right away
vaseline or any medicated chap stick
Use a wet toothbrush to scrub off the dead skin then apply vaseline. Works especially well if you do it before bed.
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