Monday, July 26, 2010

I have blackheads around my lips, will Noxzema work?

just regular Noxzema? because i can't use tape because i have peach fuz on my lip and i don't want it to become more coarse like a mustache.

also how can i prevent them from coming back?I have blackheads around my lips, will Noxzema work?
Noxzema will not remove blackheads. Greasy lip balms, glosses and lipsticks tend to create blackheads around the mouth. Avoid them and exfoliate regularly to keep blackheads away. Also wash your face before bed, to clean away any oils. There are many exfoliating scrubs on the market and you should include one in your skincare regime. The blackhead strips are the best thing to use, but because of your lip hair you are fearful about doing that. You can attempt to remove them yourself. Many people do that and it's easy, but if it's not done properly it will make it worse.

Make sure your hands are super clean. Wash your face and also exfoliate if you can. Pat your face dry and then lay a warm compress over the area where the blackheads are for at least 5 minutes or you can steam your face. This will bring the blackheads to the surface and then take a wad of cotton in both hands and you can gently squeeze them out. You can also use a blackhead extractor tool, and follow the instructions - you can purchase one at any drugstore for about $6 -7. Honestly, I advise you to see a dermatologist and have them removed safely - if you are even the least bit leary about doing this yourself. You definitely don't want to make it worse. Blackheads are basically pores blocked with oil, they turn black because of the oxidizing effect. Below are helpful links on blackhead removal, pls check them out.

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