Friday, August 20, 2010

What would cause a persons lips to swell double the size and have hives on the body?

not taking new medicaton , havent eaten anything new????What would cause a persons lips to swell double the size and have hives on the body?

I am a dcotor..

Well, this could be anything causing the allergy..

hives,swelling of lips and face(angioedema),rhinitis(runny nose),wheezing can all be signs of allergic reactions..

What you have to know is that this could be caused by just anything..

althouGh most of the time the new thing a that came to life are the culprits, sometimes you just develop it after one exposure..

here, in the first exposure, nothing will happen..

but here the antibodies which are produced towArds these allergens(allergen is the substance towards which antibodies are produced by the body in an abnormal way) are sitting on the mast cells..

on the nest exposure, the antibody crosslinking occurs, making an allergic reaction..

actually the mast cells in the body release preformed as well as newly synthesized substances which are responsible for the allergic reactions.

here are some things you should looks out for-

cold weather/cold food

new food

new makeup

something you use as an air freshner

fur of a pet


the key is that the allergen may enter through any protal such as the nose, mouth etc..

sometimes it is very hard to find the new thing which has entered your life..because it is very hard to identify.. but if you think carefully, you may be able to identify it..

but often, people may not be able to find it out..

Feel free to write to me or visit

This is a site done by me and my doctor friends to answer all your health queries for free..What would cause a persons lips to swell double the size and have hives on the body?
an allergic reaction to something in your environment
The lips swelling are a hive too. Lipstick or chapstick maybe?

I had hives for over 5 years and had them controlled with medication and after I found out I had celiac disease and quit eating gluten products(wheat, rye or barley), the hives stopped and I have been medication free for over 5 years now. You can get tested for celiac disease with a blood test possibly followed by an endoscopy. Don't stop eating gluten products until the tests are done. If the tests are negative, try going gluten free for a month or two and see if the hives stop.

Benadryl will usually stop the hives from itching and help the swelling too. An allergist can work with you to find a medicine or medication combo to control the hives.

Good luck
Congaulations, you have just experienced an allergic reation! In all seriousness though, I know you said you haven't been taking NEW medicine or eaten anything NEW. It's a common misconception that if we are highly allergic to something, we react to it the first time we encounter it. In reality, we don't have the reaction AT LEAST until the second time we enounter it. This is because the first time the body encounters it, even though it's considered a foreign substance, it has nothing to attack it with. By the sencond exposure, the body has usually made antibodies, and therefore the reaction can occur. Sometimes it takes multiple exposures. I have allergies now that I never had as a kid, and also, recently developed hives after handling my family pets which I had done for months with no previous reaction!

You should go see an allergist. They will be able to diagnose what you allergic to (usually, thoguh sometimes even they can't figure it out), and they can provide the appropriate treatment in case it should ever happen again.
Sounds like a general allergic reaction. Hard to say what caused it. I had this happen a couple of years ago when I moved to a different state. I found out that I'm highly allergic to certain grass pollens that are out here and were not in the environment in North Carolina where I grew up. If you are not exposed to these allergens at a young age and able to allow your body to get used to them, then they can hit you really hard later in life if you run across them.
Allergic reaction. Even though say you've not eaten anything different, there could be a specific ingredient to which you've developed an allergy.

Several years ago I had an allergic reaction after I ate crab cakes at a restuarant. To this day I can make them at home with no problem but still will have an allergic reaction when I eat them out.

Re-examine very carefully everything you've eaten recently and anything that's come in contact with your skin. I'm sure you'll find something that's different.
Sounds definitely like a pretty severe allergy going on. Sometimes you may become allergic to something you were not allergic to previously as well.(lotion, hair color, seafood, etc.) Only a doctor can test you and find the cause. Often, even they are not sure. But they may want to prescribe you an Epi-pen or Benedryl for future occurrences. Prescription Zyrtec is what is what was recommended for me. Your next reaction could be worse so please take care.

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