Friday, August 20, 2010

What does a kiss on lips mean?

I am a PhD student and my advisor kissed me on the lips!

I was soooooo confused and shocked!

He's an English and I am from Asia. I can understand that sometimes people from European countries kiss goodbye, but what does it mean if it's a kiss on lips?

I felt so uncomfortable that the kiss has been in my mind for several days! If you are from England, or you know someone from there, please tell me it's normal!What does a kiss on lips mean?
Hello! I would be confused too. The problem is that you are trying to defend him, and you don't know it. It was a kiss, that means that he is attracted to you. A kiss is interment. It is affectionate, and you are trying to say just because he is from Europe that you should go around and do this. Maybe people in Asia should start this tradition? Yes, I am being sarcastic.

You don't need to be confused, he kissed you and it was wrong. I would confront him about it. Then if he gives you a hard time go to the deans, and then the board if you have to.What does a kiss on lips mean?
its normal its a way of saying he likes you

or thank you%26gt;!!
You poor thing. He has taken advantage of you, but its not your fault. He sounds a vile man. You were right to trust your instincts, feeling it was wrong. You are trying to integrate and be respectful of a new culture, and this man abused that. If you ever feel uncomfortable with ANY physical touch, then you have the right to stop it.
i am with everyone... it was totally inapprpropriate... and it sounds as if he was taking advantage.. You don't want that I assume?

If you felt uncomfortable than it was wrong and I would report him to some authority at your university.

You should NOT feel uno\comfortable at school.... with a teacher.
I think no matter where you are from, a kiss on the lips is a bit intimate. If someone did that with me, I might freak out, as well. That is reserved for the person's family, and or partner. Not the student advisor to a student. I got teased for kissing my father on the cheek (not lips) every time we would see each other, or part company. He's dead now, I do not regret that even a little bit. My mom still does this, that's how my family is, we also hug each other a lot. That's family and is acceptable. The situation you speak of is just plain creepy, if you ask me.

My brother and I hugged each other in the bowling alley the last time we saw each other. I said to him how are you butthead? He said ';good wildbreath';, we caught the devil for it. For pity's sakes, he's my brother.
Snapdragon, x-bones and Edward B are absolutely right. You need to tell someone about this who can then deal with him as it is not accepted behaviour between a student and an advisor.

How many other people may he have done this to?
For some people it is normal, I wouldn't read anything into it unless he tries to slip you the tounge.
sorry. a kiss on the lips is a sign of affection.

he definitely shouldn't have done it.

i think you need to talk to him (keep a friend in the doorway)
How very inappropriate. Europeans who kiss good-bye do so on each cheek (facial). A kiss on the lips is far too intimate from your advisor. He should be warned not to do it again.
I am not from England, but (correct me someone if I'm wrong) an advisor has no business kissing a student on the lips. I think it is very inappropriate and unprofessional.
It means he's somewhat atrattected to you, he took advantage of the moment of saying goodbye to give you a kiss, it was an impulse...
It depends, some FRIENDS kiss on the lips and think nothing of it, but it doesn't sound to ME like that's what you were doing. An advisor shouldn't do something like that. I would suggest talking to his superior.
Did you also get a mouthful of tongue ?

The end of his career is in your hands.
means a kiss used to give a good impression since they are forced to do so
that depends on witch lips

Above means he wants below

below means he wants to see you glow
I am English and was brought up and educated in the English Education System.

Niether me or any of my friends, [male or female], has EVER been kissed by a Teacher/advisor.

The FRENCH %26amp; ITALIANS might kiss on both cheeks, but even THAT would be highly irregular in the U.K.

For a teacher to kiss a student on the lips in the U.K. would be considered [at best] HIGHLY inappropriate. Cetainly un-ethical and probabally Illegal.

Most teachers in England would never allow a situation to arise where they are in a room alone with a student nowadays. A sad reflection of the times but avoids this sort of situation.

Go with your gutt feeling. I f you feel he deserves the benefit of the doubt then be cautious, accompanied at all times in his presence and on your guard in future.

You will soon find out if your suspisions have any foundation and can report him immediately.

Remember though that whereas these sort of rumours, if untrue, can ruin a good career, so caution may be adviseable YOU MUST make sure you put YOUR safety FIRST, beyond all else.

Good Luck. Hope it turns out to be nothing.
This is not normal for an advisor to kiss a student on the lips, it is very unprofessional and absolutely wrong!

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