Friday, August 20, 2010

Is there anyway to make my lips bigger without surgery ?

u can use a limp plumper, it's kinda like a lip gloss but makes your lips look bigger.Is there anyway to make my lips bigger without surgery ?
dont bother, leave your body %26amp; face as it is. A good example of surgery would be Michael Jackson, look at his nose now. Just dont end up with Surjery %26amp; leave your body %26amp; face alone. If you are desperate for some reason then just simply bite them, but if it bleeds then leave it.Is there anyway to make my lips bigger without surgery ?
You can get a lipgloss called Lip Injection by Toofaced.

it's pretty good but you have to be really careful to not get it on any part of your skin thats not your lips because it will swell and be red for ages.
I plump my lips but eating spicy food. LOL, maybe, it's more to reddening your lips but it looks sexy for a guy like me. I like girls who have glossy lips. You can try using lip gloss, preferbaly fruity or sweety.
lip liner makes that illusion
you dont have to actually make ur lips big,but if u really want to den bite dem.

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