As embarrassing as it is, every female, at one time or another gets those. It could be pimple with a big, white head on it or it could be a cyst. A good soak in a hot bath will bring it out and help clear it up. If it appears to be under the skin, go to a doc and he'll numb it and remove it. I had that done years ago and have never had another one.I have a strange swelling resembling a pimple on my outer vaginal lips. It hurts. what is it?is it be a tumor?
I've had these before. Take a hand mirror; put it where you can see the bump. Take the other hand and gently press it from the bottom up. If you see any light colored area at the top of it, it's just a pimple. If you gently mash on it daily, the white will come to the top and you can just pop it out. I do that and it hurts but only for a second or two. IF you don't get the infection stuff out, you'll have to get a doctor to do it. Trust me, you'd rather do it yourself.
sounds like you may have an ingrown hair.
maybe a boil?
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